Tuesday 4 August 2015

Finding my academic voice

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Part of being an academic is feeling confident in the knowledge you have and sharing it in many different forums.  Student blogs are one way to begin this sharing journey.  Nackerud, S. and Scarletta, K. said, "many people in academia view - and judge-blogs as forms of academic production or a vehicle for scholars to become public intellectuals." (2008, p.71)   I am an infant in this journey.   I am tentatively spreading my wings, but I am not quite ready to fly. Does this mean I don't have anything to say? No! Like many, I have interests and opinions on many things.  However, I am not far enough along in my academic studies to be able to concretely back up my opinions with original research.

Estes says, "Blogging helps me to bring together aspects of my academic and non-academic lives, as well as to start thinking about issues that will eventually get my academic attention." (2012, p. 974) This statement speaks directly to me.  When I get excited about an idea, technology,  or a new way of thinking about things, my blogs reflect that excitement and passion. I experiment with ideas and how I can use these ideas to enhance my practice in adult basic education. I see possibilities and write about these possibilities.  These are informal musings that may some day lead to direct research. Currently, they are ideas; ideas that raise my interest and enthusiasm for making the world, my practice and adult basic education more accessible and just. This is my academic voice, a voice of possibilities for change in myself and my practice.

Estes, H. (2012). Blogging and academic identityLiterature Compass9(12), 974-982. DOI: 10.1111/lic3.12017

Nackerud, S., & Scaletta, K. (2008). Blogging in the academy.  New Directions for Student Services (124), 71-87.  DOI: 10.1002/ss.296


  1. What a wonderful way to conceptualize the purpose of your blog! I agree, your postings do reflect your excitement, passion and enthusiasm for ideas. You have a wonderful voice!

  2. Karen, I felt that your post was organized and articulate. I think perhaps the blogging process has helped me converge my academic and non-academic lives as well. Thank you for sharing and great choice for your quote.
    Elizabeth Smith
